Refurbishing established care homes and keeping them marketable – Webinar

In October 2021, Jacqui was joined by Sue Earrey of Tulip Care Environments on behalf of Accora to deliver a webinar discussing what support is there for older care homes with smaller budgets.

Sue supports operators and developers in both built form and concept designs. She brings to the forum her knowledge of the customer experience and marketability of care homes.

Together Jacqui and Sue explore what visitors look at on their journey through the home and how homeowners can utilise some good and economical suggestions for keeping their home to the best standard it can be, maintaining homeliness, supporting dementia residents and those with sight impairment through changes in their living environments.

As Sue puts it “you want to feel hugged as soon as you walk through the doors of a care home when looking to place a family member there”. Jacqui and Sue explore with smaller care home groups and individual operators how to make this happen.

View the recording of the webinar here