You know that feeling when you agree to take something on, plan it as much as possible, look forward it………..yet still don’t really know what to expect? Well this year at the Lindfield Arts Festival we ran some workshops for children where they got the chance to plan their ideal bedroom and create their own mood board. Our young designers ranged in age from 5 to 13 yet what they all had in common was an unbridled confidence in what they did and did not like. Unbound by concerns about what is and is not “in” they designed from their hearts, quickly finding lights they loved, rummaging through fabrics for inspiration and going mad with bold colours. I have said before that interior design to me is about creating environments that make you smile, spaces you want to spend time in and that make your day to day use of them a joy. Without exception all the designs reflected the personalities of the child and made them smile! I absolutely loved the day and was knocked sideways by the amount of talent I saw – as were some of the parents!
Written by Jacqui